Deception (Fabled Hunters Book 2) Read online

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  The frozen gale rose into a roar, the blizzard springing to life so furiously that Isabelle couldn’t see anything but the snow.

  When it faded at last, Jack was gone.


  She betrayed me again. I offered her all that I am, and she used me again. Again!

  My curse shudders through me and I clench my teeth, biting back a groan. It’s getting stronger. Sometimes I feel like there’s someone else living inside me.

  Isabelle. Anger courses through me like blood, hot and raw. This is all her fault.

  It’s my fault. No. I shove the thought away. I stand at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the city I just left; Illyminatym.

  My lip curls in derision. My magic has grown; it will take everything the city’s inhabitants have to stave back the unnatural winter, and even that won’t be enough, especially with the king distracted by his daughter’s predicament.

  I frown, turning away from the city. I wouldn’t have struck if I’d known the fool girl would jump in the way. But what’s done is done. Even I can’t break her curse. Maybe Silvan can.

  My body shakes with uncontrollable rage thinking of him. He’s cursed too. I could see it, twisted and coiled inside him like a dark beast. I bark a laugh as I walk down the icy slope. His is even worse than mine. Isabelle couldn’t seem to help but get tangled up with the worst sorts.


  I start in pain, clutching my heart. Glacia is calling me.


  No. Not yet. I can’t go to her yet. I have too much to do.

  Dawn is still several hours away. I lift my arm, and the air trembles, a rift in reality shifting. My grim smile grows. My time in the library has proved very useful indeed. I step through the rift, and the gap closes behind me.

  I am in another world. This one is similar to the real world, but different. Warped.

  It’s cold here, too, the snow drifting gently upward into a cloud-shrouded night. The trees are gray sickly things, bare branches reaching up as if praying to heaven. If such a thing exists.

  A white rabbit scampers by. Strange. I didn’t know animals could come here. I walk through the cold, crisp snow. Shivering, I rub my arms, trying to get warm. I bought a new jacket while in Illyminatym, but even its fur-lined interior can’t keep out the cold.

  I am always cold. I can’t remember not being cold. I shrug, trying to ignore it. It’s the price I must pay for my enchantment. For my power. It’s worth it, but the cold continues to grow. I feel like an icy fist is gripping my heart.

  I come to a strange sight: a long table, set out for tea. Cups and saucers line the table as if someone is expecting guests. I walk past it. I don’t have time for tea.

  But wait. I turn back to the table, a thought coming to me. I came here; this seems as good a place as any to try my newfound knowledge of magic.

  Sand enchantment. Can I do it? I lick my lips, suddenly nervous. If I can’t, then I can’t keep Isabelle safe.

  Then you won’t be able to get back at her.

  No! I shake my head, feeling momentarily breathless. Go away! I bite back a laugh. Talking to myself now! Maybe my curse is making me mad.

  I flex my fingers toward the table and a teapot levitates in the air, carefully pouring tea into a cup. I grin, and pour tea into another cup, and another.

  Too easy. My brows knit in concentration and the teapot turns into a raven. Its caw shatters the air in a piercing cry as it launches into the air.

  I start in surprise, and the raven turns into a large stone, slamming into the table. Broken porcelain and hot tea are everywhere.

  I turn away and continue walking, feeling a mixture of exhilaration and nervousness.

  I can do it. I can work sand enchantment. And I’m good at it.

  Jack. My name ripples across my brain with a jagged force. I gasp with pain, staggering a few steps before I can regain my balance. Glacia feels stronger here. I lift my arm again, tear the veil between realities, and step back into the land of the Four Provinces. I must go north.

  My curse stirs again. Isabelle will rue the day she crossed me.

  The Fabled Hunters Trilogy continues in book three, Eternal. Available Now!

  Check out The Unbreakable Force Series HERE

  About the Author

  Kara Jaynes is a fantasy and children's book author. She loves reading, long walks and rain. She's been writing since she was very young and has more stories in her head than she could possibly write.

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  Deception by Kara Jaynes

  Copyright Kara Jaynes 2016.

  All Rights Reserved.

  Cover Designer: Aeternum Designs

  The stories, characters, and incidents mentioned or depicted in this publication are entirely fictional.

  No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the copyright holder.